ARC 7010 The Ghost of Kyiv - paint set

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Suitable for the grey pixel camouflage of the Ukrainian air forces
The set consists of 6 paints of 10 ml. Set contains:
255 RAL 7043 VERKEHSGRAU B (Traffic Grey B)- Darkest grey pixel camouflage colour of Ukrainian aircraft
254 RAL 7037 STAUBGRAU (Dusty B)- Dark grey pixel camouflage colour of Ukrainian aircraft
253 RAL 7040 FENSTERGRAU (Window Grey) - Medium grey pixel camouflage colour of Ukrainian aircraft
252 RAL 7038 ACHATGRAU (Agate Grey) - Light grey pixel camouflage colour of Ukrainian aircraft
251 RAL 7001 SILBERGRAU (Silver Grey) - Under surface colour of Ukrainian aircraft with the grey pixel camouflage
250 RAL 7005 MOUSGRAU (Mouse Grey) - The colour of radomes and radio-transparent panels of Ukrainian aircraft with the grey pixel camouflage colour

Suggested models:
Aero L-39 Albatros
Mikoyan MiG-29 Fulcrum
Sukhoi Su-24 Fencer
Sukhoi Su-25 Frogfoot, etc
Catalog number: ARC 7010
Weight: 120 gramm
Rating (0 voices)

 Molding quality 0.0 from 5
 Easy assembly 0.0 from 5
 Like original 0.0 from 5


Дякую керівництву фірми ARCUS. Надали схему для фарбування..


Прошу допомогти.. Фарба гарна, раніше використовував. Але комплекти не брав. Очікував, що буде схема застосування, для фарбуваня, по номерам фарби. Шукаю інструкцію та схему , для МіГ-29 ВПС України, для застосування , цього комплекту ARC 7010 Набір фарб «Привид Києва» сірий піксельний камуфляж Повітряних сил ЗСУ.

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Photogalery of user Иван Толкачёв
The Ghost of Kyiv - paint set
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The Ghost of Kyiv - paint set
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The Ghost of Kyiv - paint set
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The Ghost of Kyiv - paint set
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The Ghost of Kyiv - paint set
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The Ghost of Kyiv - paint set
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The Ghost of Kyiv - paint set
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The Ghost of Kyiv - paint set
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The Ghost of Kyiv - paint set
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The Ghost of Kyiv - paint set
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Photogalery of user fixxxet
The Ghost of Kyiv - paint set
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The Ghost of Kyiv - paint set
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The Ghost of Kyiv - paint set
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The Ghost of Kyiv - paint set
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The Ghost of Kyiv - paint set
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The Ghost of Kyiv - paint set
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The Ghost of Kyiv - paint set
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