ARC A4012 ANR Fighters Over Northern Italy - acrylic paint set (6 x 10ml)

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414 грн.
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Suitable for WW2 Italian aircraft painted according to Luftwaffe camouflage schemes.

Set contains: 271 RLM 74 Dunkelgrau Grünlich (Dark Grey Greenish), 270 RLM 75 Mittelgrau (Medium Grey), 269 RLM 76 Lichtblau (Light Blue), 422 Bianco Neve 6 (Snow White), 424 Giallo Cromo 7 (Chrome Yellow), 429 Grigio Azzurro Chiaro 1 (Light Blue Grey)

Catalog number: ARC A4012
Weight: 120 gramm

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 Molding quality 0.0 from 5
 Easy assembly 0.0 from 5
 Like original 0.0 from 5

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