Suitable for the all-green camouflage of the Italian aviation during WW2
The set consists of 6 paints of 10 ml.:
443 Verde Oliva Scuro 2 (Dark Olive Green) - Upper surface RA aircraft camouflage color (1941)
429 Grigio Azzurro Chiaro 1 (Light Blue Grey) - Under surfaces of Italian WW2 naval aircraft according to Tavola 10
422 Bianco Neve 6 (Snow White) - Colour of IDs and markings. Standard ID colour of RA and Axis aircrafts operated in the MTO
437 Verde Anticorrosione (Anti-corrosion Green) - Standard color of interiors of RA Aircraft (before 1942)
426 Giallo Mimetico 2 (Camouflage Yellow) - Color of interiors of some late-WW2 Aircraft (G.55, Re.2005, etc.)
078 Exhaust Manifold - Flame dampers (suppressors) and exhaust manifolds