PVI PV-005-72 Break of down (Mig-29 + Su-27 Ukrainian airforce) decals

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MiG-29 (9-13) Fulcrum-C, “01 White” “Dawn of Freedom” tour / North America, 1992.
MiG-29UB (9-51) Fulcrum-B, “02 White” “Dawn of Freedom” tour / North America, 1992.
Sukhoi Su-27 Flanker-B (early), Fairford RAF, RIAT96, 1996.
Sukhoi Su-27 Flanker-B (late), Fairford RAF, RIAT96, 1996.
Catalog number: PVI PV-005-72
Scale: 1/72
Type: Aircraft
Weight: 40 gramm
Rating (0 voices)

 Molding quality 0.0 from 5
 Easy assembly 0.0 from 5
 Like original 0.0 from 5

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